2016 Spring Educational Conference
To: April 29, 2016 - 02:00 PM
27984 Hwy 189
Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352
The Future, The Workplace, and You
Today’s workplace is changing, from the way we communicate, how we engage with others, how work gets done and the composition of our workforce. This Spring Conference we share tools that will help you engage with your staff and your customers (internal and external), strategies to engage and communicate with your changing workforce, and leadership skills that will help you shape your legacy. We also invited presenters that will expand and contextualize the breadth of the work that we do and how all aspects of our work positively and negatively affect the lives of the clients we serve.
In addition, our County CEO joins us again for the State of the County Discussion to give us some perspective on County initiatives and the overall state of the County. In preparation for the Q&A portion of the discussion, to help mitigate the “shyness” factor, you can submit questions in advance anonymously or not at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LACMC_Spring2016