MANAGEMENT FUNDAMENTALS: Budget & Finance for Non-Budget Personnel
Time: 08:00 AM To 05:00 PM
700 S. Almansor Street
Alhambra, CA 91801
The purpose of this seminar is to empower non-budget employees with an in-depth overview of the County budget, budgetary accounting, budget exercises, and culminates with a budget expert panel.
Global Perspective: The Chief Executive Office and Auditor-Controller will provide presentations that include an overview of the significant implementation timeframes for the County budget cycle, budget exercises and budgetary accounting.
Practical Application: The Budget Expert Panel’s discussion will include how budget priorities are developed, the global strategy for developing a departmental budget and how managers can articulate their operational needs when developing proposals.
Keynote Speaker: Cynthia Banks, Director, Community & Senior Services
Guest Speakers: Connie Yee, Division Chief, Auditor-Controller
Matt McGloin, Senior Manager, CEO
Budget Expert Panel: Theresa Barrera, Fire
Collins Nweke, DPSS
Grace Reyes, Probation
Theresa Tran, CEO