When: January 26, 2017
Time: 08:00 AM To 04:30 PM
Time: 08:00 AM To 04:30 PM
Quiet Cannon
901 Via San Clemente
Montebello , CA 90640
901 Via San Clemente
Montebello , CA 90640
It is never too early or too late to begin "Financial Planning for Retirement". This seminar is loaded with excellent speakers and information to help you make informed decisions that will have a lasting impact on your retirement plans.
Guest Speakers:
- Peter Han, Financial Advisor for Harvest Financial
- Lloyd Copenbarger, Estate Planning, Copenbarger & Copenbarger LLP
- Lisa Marques, Empower Retirement (formerly Great West)
- Armendina (Dina) Lejano, LACERA
Registration begins at 7:30 A.M. (continental breakfast provided)