When: February 21, 2019
Time: 08:00 AM To 04:30 PM
Time: 08:00 AM To 04:30 PM
Quiet Cannon
901 Via San Clemente
Montebello, CA 90640
901 Via San Clemente
Montebello, CA 90640
It is never too early or too late to begin Financial Planning! The County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 directs LACERA to administer defined retirement plan benefits for the employees of Los Angeles County and outside Districts. The County also offers a 457(b) Horizons Plan and 401(k) Savings Plan as a supplement to other retirement/pension benefits that employees may have. In addition, there are many ways to save and invest money for retirement … tax deferred! This seminar is loaded with excellent speakers and information to help you make informed decisions that will have a lasting impact on your retirement plans and retirement years.
Speakers Include:
- Peter Han of Harvest Financial
- Lloyd Copenbarger, Estate Planning, Copenbarger & Copenbarger, LLP
- Retired Employees of Los Angeles County (RELAC)
- Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association (LACERA)
- Empower Retirement