Time: 08:00 AM To 05:00 PM
901 Via San Vicente
Montebello, CA 90640
How do I develop a budget? What accounting rules do I follow? The purpose of this seminar is to empower non-budget employees with budgeting and accounting tools. County experts will provide an in-depth overview of the County budget process and fiscal management, and guest speakers will provide insight on their departmental budgeting procedures. Learn the "tips and tricks" of a balanced budget and basic accounting processes (e.g., budget cycle timeline, eCAPS, year-end closing, etc).
Objectives for the Day
- Gain "behind the scenes" insight on how budget priorities are developed.
- Learn the strategies for developing a departmental budget.
- Understand how managers can articulate their operational needs when developing budget proposals.
Keynote Speaker:
Otto Solórzano, Acting Director - Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services
Budget and Finance Speakers:
- Angela Schiller, Manager, Chief Executive Office
- Connie Yee, Assistant Auditor-Controller
- Robert Smythe, Administrative Deputy, Probation
- Jose Perez, Assistant Director, WDACS
Cost: $25 (Vouchers will be accepted for this seminar). If you have a voucher that you want to use for this seminar, please contact the registrar(s) listed below.
Continental breakfast included and lunch included.
Seminar Questions: You can email:
- Jackie Guevarra - JGuevarra@bos.lacounty.gov or call (213) 974-1361;
- Ed Jewik - EJewik@auditor.lacounty.gov or call (213) 974-8564 or
- Rita Tufenkjian - RTufenkjian@wdacs.lacounty.gov or call (310) 219-3838.