Demystifying Data: Make Data Work for You
Time: 10:00 AM To 12:00 PM
Presentations for this webinar can be found on the Resources Page.
Interested in using Power BI? Contact Jon Neill at ISD:
Los Angeles County Management Council
“Demystifying Data: Make Data Work for You”
How would you describe your relationship with data? Do you collect it, receive it, or act on it? Do you wonder what happens to the data-filled reports you send to your management? Are you finding that data is more important than ever to measure production in a REMOTE WORK ENVIRONMENT? Whether data comes from a hastily developed spreadsheet or a robust database, we need the tools and understanding of how to share it in a way that has meaning for our audience and key decision-makers.
This seminar aims to provide a new framework and language around data, and to help you move from data to organizational intelligence. We will learn about the Organizational Intelligence Pyramid and where you and your organization fit in it. Learn what questions to ask to ensure the right data is being collected, and that decision-makers are learning what they need to know.
Our presenters will share about Power BI and how this very accessible tool puts meaningful data into the hands of key stakeholders. Learn about the Internal Services Department’s TELEWORK CHECK-IN APP, the story of its creation and how its data has proved useful. Lastly, we will hear from our Geographic Information Officer about how he uses geospatial data and technology to solve real problems of people and their environment.
Alexis Camins
Workforce Development, Aging, and Community Services
Christopher W. Pailma
Manager (Acting) – Health Care Solutions Division
Internal Services Department
Steven J. Steinberg, Ph.D., MPA, GISP
Geographic Information Officer (GIO)
County of Los Angeles
- Understand the basics of Organizational Intelligence
- Assess your department based on the Organizational Intelligence Pyramid
- Learn how to be a data advocate within your department
- Learn methods for communicating more effectively with data and IT colleagues
- Promote data literacy within your unit/division/department
Seminar Information
Date: September 30, 2020
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Location: Online via WebEx
Cost: No Cost
Registration is required. Click here to register!
Seminar Questions: Sarah Rivanis ( or Patricia Flores (