Did you know that almost 60,000 County employees have teleworked at some time during the COVID-19 pandemic?* As managers, we had to quickly adjust our management style and some long-held paradigms to this new telework space. How can we keep employees engaged? How do we ensure transparency when working remotely? How has management changed and how is it the same? How do we keep the public interest forefront in our minds?
When employees cannot meet in person, a potential lack of transparency may exist in how day-to-day decisions are made and work gets done. In this seminar, we will discuss various types of ethical decision-making processes being utilized in public administration. We will take a broader look at common ethical questions and daily scenarios managers may face that may not ordinarily come to mind. We will consider how managers have had to bolster and adjust expectations for their teams. The focus of the seminar will include examples of changes in the workplace environment and processes that have shifted as a result of the pandemic.
New Managers Series
This is the first offering in LACMC’s new biannual series of seminars for new managers designed to grow your skillset in your new role and offer seasoned managers an opportunity to learn from their peers. All are welcome!
Tara A. Blanc, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Sol Price School of Public Policy
University of Southern California
Steven Hernandez, Assistant Assessor
Los Angeles County Office of the Assessor
Participants will:
- Identify thought processes for making career-oriented ethical decisions
- Explore case studies involving challenges faced by public administrators with an ethical component one may not think about
- Discuss day-to-day examples of shifts in the workplace due to the pandemic and how public administrators are responding
- Evaluate how to set goals for teams in a virtual telework environment
Seminar Information
Date: March 31, 2021
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Location: Online via WebEx
Cost: No Cost
Registration is required. Click here to register!
Seminar Questions: Sarah Rivanis (srivanis@hr.lacounty.gov) or Arpi Zadoorian (azadoorian@library.lacounty.gov)
*Per the Internal Services Department Telework Activity Report During COVID-19, 3/9/21.
“Disclaimer – The Los Angeles County Management Council invites speakers to share their knowledge with the membership; however, LACMC is in no way endorsing the individuals or the companies presenting information at our seminars.”