LACMC Education Committee Presents: "Budget and Finance for Non-Budget Personnel"
Time: 09:00 AM To 12:00 PM
Online Event
After registering you will receive a confirmation email with details for attending the online seminar through a service like WebEx, Zoom or Teams.
Los Angeles County Management Council
“Budget & Finance for Non-Budget Personnel”
Thursday, January 13, 2022
9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Working with 37 Departments to formulate a $39 billion dollar budget for the County of Los Angeles can be intimidating. How do you develop a Department budget?
The Los Angeles County Management Council’s seminar, “Budget & Finance for Non-Budget Personnel,” will virtually bring you County experts to provide an in-depth overview of the County budget process and fiscal management in a way that anyone can understand. This seminar will give managers the tools to comprehend balancing a budget and basic accounting processes.
Participants will:
- Learn how budget priorities are formulated behind the scenes.
- Build the skills you need for balancing a budget.
- Discover strategies for developing a departmental budget.
- Learn how management articulates their operational needs during the development of budget proposals.
Lan Sam, Chief Accountant
Accounting Division
Auditor-Controller (A-C)
Ms. Sam has been with the Auditor-Controller’s Accounting Division for over 23 years. She is the manager over the Budget/Publications, Accounting Control, and eCAPS Support Sections. In addition, Ms. Sam manages the eCAPS Year-End Closing process for the County. Ms. Sam received her bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of California, Riverside, and master’s degree from Cal State Los Angeles in Accountancy with option in Accounting Information System.
Angela Schiller, Finance Manager
Finance Division
Chief Executive Office (CEO)
Ms. Schiller is the manager over the Finance Division of the Chief Executive Office. She has been with the CEO’s office for over 20 years, first as a budget analyst and prior to becoming the Finance Manager, she led the Countywide implementation of eHR Position Control with over 100,000 employees and positions. Ms. Schiller started her career with the Department of Health Services at LAC+USC Medical Center in 1990 where she worked as a budget and financial analyst. Ms. Schiller received her bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Cal State Long Beach with a major in Accounting.
Seminar Information
Date: Thursday, January 13, 2022
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Location: Online Only via WebEx
Seminar Questions: Jackie Guevarra via email at, Alexis Camins at, or Arpi Zadoorian at
Registration Information
Webinar registration link will be sent via email once payment is received
Cost: $10
Payment Link:
We are aware of technical payment issues, and we are working to resolve them. In the interim, we recommend the following solutions:
1. Make sure you are using the Edge browser not Chrome.
2. Access the payment site outside of the County Network (if you can).
3. Shutdown/Restart your computer and logon again.
If you are still having issues, please contact the organizers, and we will assist you further.
Registrar Questions: Contact Nicole White-Gamble at (213) 893-6923 or via email:
To find out about other LACMC educational opportunities and more, check out our website at If you have a colleague interested in becoming a LACMC member, please refer them to the LACMC website for eligibility requirements, membership benefits, and the application (click here).
“Disclaimer – The Los Angeles County Management Council invites speakers to share their knowledge with the membership; however, LACMC is in no way endorsing the individuals or the companies presenting information at our seminars.”