16th Annual Breakfast with the Chair (Holly J. Mitchell)
Time: 07:00 AM To 10:00 AM
1818 Charlie Sifford Dr
Los Angeles, CA 90047
The Los Angeles County Management Council is pleased to announce the 16th Annual Managers’ Breakfast, featuring Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell.
Please see the attached flyer for details or go directly to this link to sign up: https://paydirect.link2gov.com/LACMCSpecialEvent
Questions? Email: specialevents@managementcouncil.lacounty.gov
Final call to register: Registration has been extended through 12:00 PM on March 25, 2022.
NOTE: Some members have been experiencing technical difficulties when trying to register using a computer that is on the County network. We are actively looking into this matter; in the meantime, we are asking members to register on a non-County network computer OR send an email to specialevents@managementcouncil.lacounty.gov and we can assist you in making payment by check. Note, the registration website does not support the Internet Explorer browser. We apologize for the inconvenience we hope to have a resolution soon.